This is the first and most important step in understanding the child’s condition and determining his/her treatment needs. Here our specialized team performs:

1 - Online assessment using GMFM APP+

At Free Tom Move Center, we have the electronic version of GMFM APP+, which helps us enter the patient’s data electronically after evaluating about 88 of the child’s motor skills, including lying down, rolling, crawling, sitting, standing, climbing and descending stairs, and obtaining the child’s motor level, motor age, and a chart of the child’s development and growth, in addition to a barcode for evaluating each case, which helps parents view the evaluation result in the event of going to see orthopedic and neurological doctors. All this is done with the click of a button, enabling us to obtain accurate results from 95 to 98 %.

GMFM APP+ It is a digital version of the GMFM assessment and is used to facilitate the assessment process and analysis of results.

The app offers many features, including:

  • Data entry: Allows you to enter scores for each assessment item easily and quickly.
  • Calculating Scores: The application automatically calculates the overall scores for each assessment dimension, as well as providing a detailed analysis of the scores at the item level.
  • Visually display data: The app displays results graphically, making it easier to understand changes in a child's performance over time.

GMFM: It stands for Measurement of Gross Motor Function. It is a standardized tool used by physical therapists and other health care professionals to assess gross motor function in children with cerebral palsy.


To measure and track changes in a child's gross motor function over time.
To define treatment goals and evaluate the effectiveness of interventions.
To compare results between different treatment approaches.

What does GMFM rate?

Five major areas of gross motor function:

1- Developing the skills of lying down and rolling over.
2- Develop sitting skills.
3- Developing crawling, sitting or standing skills on the knees.
4- Developing the skills of standing. 5- Developing the skills of walking, climbing and descending stairs, and the ability to jump.


There are two main versions of GMFM.

  • GMFM-88 This is the original version, scoring 88 items on a 5-point scale.
  • GMFM-66 This is a shorter version, with 66 items, and is considered more effective for clinical use.

Who uses it:

GMFM is used by a variety of healthcare professionals, including:

  • Physiotherapists.
  • Occupational therapists.


There are two main versions of GMFM.

  • GMFM-88 This is the original version, scoring 88 items on a 5-point scale.
  • GMFM-66 This is a shorter version, with 66 items, and is considered more effective for clinical use.


  • GMFM It is a reliable and valid tool that has been proven effective in measuring gross motor functions in children with cerebral palsy in particular and Down syndrome.
  • It is easy to use and record, and results can be easily compared over time.
  • Can be used GMFM To help set treatment goals and track progress toward those goals.

Note :  Evaluation using the application GMFM APP+ An appointment is required and is done separately from the comprehensive evaluation. For inquiries, please contact us.

2- The comprehensive evaluation includes:

  • Taking a complete medical history of the child and the family: to learn about the child’s health history and neuromotor development.
  • Examine the child carefully and accurately: to assess his motor skills, motor age, and neurological and motor problems he suffers from.
  • Parent interview: to learn about the child’s motor and functional abilities from the parents’ point of view, and their aspirations and goals for treatment.

Evaluation results:

Based on these reliable and validated assessments, an individual treatment plan is developed for each child, based on the latest treatment methods and different schools of physiotherapy in the field of children. This plan provides us with a clear picture of the child’s current development and the expected results of treatment.


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