The role of the occupational therapist in supporting and guiding families of children with special needs and a home follow-up program

The occupational therapist is the primary partner of parents in the journey of raising a child with special needs. His role extends beyond the in-clinic therapy sessions to the home, where the child spends most of his time.

Why is the role of a home health professional important?

  • Practical application of skills: Helps parents apply the skills the child has learned in the clinic in their daily life environment.
  • Continuous reinforcement: It contributes to the continuous reinforcement of the child’s progress.
  • Increased parental confidence: Provides parents with the confidence and competence needed to meet the challenges of raising a child with special needs.
  • Environmental modification: Helps parents modify the home environment to suit the child’s needs and facilitate his daily activities.

How is it done?

  1. Comprehensive assessment: The specialist begins by assessing the needs of the entire family, not just the child. This includes assessing the home environment, family resources, and parental expectations.
  2. Develop a home plan: A personalized treatment plan is developed for the home, including clear goals, enjoyable activities, and a realistic timeline.
  3. Direct parent training: The specialist trains parents on how to implement therapeutic activities at home, and how to deal with challenges they may face.
  4. Ongoing communication: Parents are contacted regularly to assess progress and adjust the treatment plan as needed.
  5. Continuing education for parents: The specialist provides parents with information about the child's condition, ways to deal with it, and available resources.

Examples of home activities suggested by the specialist

  • Movement and play activities: Toys that promote fine and gross motor skills, such as plastic toys, balls, and construction toys.
  • Sensory activities: Games that develop the five senses, such as playing with water and sand, and learning about shapes and colors.
  • Activities of daily living: Teaching the child basic skills such as eating, bathing, and dressing.
  • Pretend Play Activities: Encourage imaginative play to develop social and language skills.

Benefits of Home Follow-up Program

  1. Improving the child's quality of life: It contributes to improving the child's quality of life and developing his skills.
  2. Increase family involvement: Encourages all family members to participate in the treatment process.
  3. Providing ongoing support: Provides parents with ongoing support and knowledge to address challenges.
  4. Achieving better results: It contributes to achieving better treatment results in a shorter period of time.

Smart methods used by the specialist

  1. Play as a therapeutic tool: The specialist uses play as an effective tool to train the child in new skills.
  2. Positive reinforcement: The specialist encourages the child's positive behaviors through rewards and praise.
  3. Collaboration with teachers: The specialist collaborates with the child's teachers to ensure that the treatment program is consistent at home and at school.
  4. Technology: The specialist uses modern technology to provide support to parents, such as smart applications and educational tapes.

Finally, the role of the occupational therapist in supporting and guiding parents is not limited to the clinic only, but extends to the home to form a true partnership that contributes to achieving the best results for the child.

Important Notes


The home treatment program should be customized for each child individually, taking into account his or her needs and interests.


There should be close cooperation between the specialist, parents and teachers.

Continuous assessment

The program should be evaluated periodically and modified as needed.


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